ATHEIST: I don't believe in god.
ATHEIST: There is no evidence for god.
CHRISTIAN: Really? But what about the Universe, the Big Bang, fine-tuning, DNA, the fossil record, meiosis, mitosis, chirality, protein synthesis, irreducible complexity, specified complexity, language, universal morality, intelligence, self-awareness, free will, fulfilled Bible prophecy, the resurrection of Jesus?
ATHEIST: Well, besides all of that, there is no evidence for god.
And the frustrating cycle of conversation ensues. For what it's worth, let me offer a new approach (and it's actually quite easy and fun!). Imagine the same conversation, but continued this way...
CHRISTIAN: Do you know everything there is to know in the Universe?
ATHEIST (startled): What?! Well, of course not, nobody does!
CHRISTIAN: Then, let me ask--of all the information there is to know, how much of that do you know?
ATHEIST: Well, uh, that's a bit hard to estimate...
CHRISTIAN: Well, if we say that all of the knowledge is represented by the number 100%, then what percent do you have a pretty good handle on...I mean really, really know?

CHRISTIAN: Okay, fair enough, would you say that you know 10%, or 5%...what percent?
ATHEIST: I would not be so arrogant to assume that much, it wouldn't be that high...I mean, even Stephen Hawking wouldn't pretend to know that much.
CHRISTIAN: I agree, then would you say, maybe 1%, or maybe close to 1%?
ATHEIST: That's still pretty high, considering the Universe and all, but let's just say somewhere between 0% and 1%.
CHRISTIAN: So, you would say that you know less than 1% of all there is to know?
ATHEIST: Yes, that is correct.
CHRISTIAN: Okay, then isn't it logical that there could be good evidence for god in the 99% of the knowledge that you have admitted that you don't know?
ATHEIST: Well,, um---but, I--
CHRISTIAN: If the police looked for clues in a crime scene, but only searched less than 1% of it, would you say that they had completed their investigation to the best of their ability?
ATHEIST: Well, when you put it that way, then, um, no..but--
CHRISTIAN: So then, by your own admission, your investigation into the evidence for god has barely started, but you are satisfied to pronounce that there is no god, period.
ATHEIST:, uh, well, I have yet to see any evidence in my investigation so far...
CHRISTIAN: Except for the Universe, the Big Bang, fine-tuning, DNA, the fossil record, meiosis, mitosis, chirality, protein synthesis, irreducible complexity, specified complexity, language, universal morality, intelligence, self-awareness, free will, fulfilled Bible prophecy, the resurrection of Jesus?
ATHEIST: Umm, yes, except for all of that, I have yet to find any evidence...
CHRISTIAN: Just to be clear, you have yet to find it in your less than 1% of the total evidence? Is the case closed then?

ATHEIST: Yes..I mean, no. Sorry, I have to leave now, I have read another chapter of any book by Richard Dawkins, it always makes me feel better about myself.
(In the interest of openness and full disclosure, this 99% argument concept is not original with me. I am not totally sure of the original source. I just took the concept and created an imaginary discussion based upon it)
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